God is Real

When in faith we wait for that which we believe, a strong foot hold is the knowledge that God is real. He exists in our reality. Though He transcends time and space, He also inhabits the reality of both Heaven and earth. God was amid a burning bush during the life time of Moses. God was incarnated into a man, Yeshua of Nazareth, as Israel’s Messiah, as prophesied long before by the Hebrew prophets. Yeshua proved He was God’s one and only Son, through words and deeds, raising dead people back to life, walking on water and calming storms to a whisper. Most recently in 1947, Israel became a nation again after almost two thousand years of dispersion, as prophesied. God’s word is true and reliable, though it is not separate from His will and authority. Times are coming when the earth and heavens will exhibit signs never before seen in history while men faint at the uncertainty and fear they feel. 

God is active today, upholding the universe, showing compassion and mercy to nations. People are coming to faith in Yeshua Messiah, some through unexplainable visions and revelations in closed Islamic and communists countries. Faith is from God, though it is up to us to move in it when received, making it ours. God told Abraham he would be the father of nations having descendants to numerous to count. Abraham believed God, later God told him to move to a place he would be shown and Abraham packed up and moved out. What is God telling you? Do you believe He has anything to communicate to you? If everything has been said and recorded in the Bible why does God long for His Spirit in Believers? God desires a relationship with His children, He is always giving that we receive and continue to advance His Kingdom. Not necessarily like what we see in the Bible because things changed when Yeshua triumphed over the enemy and death. We now have the indwelling Holy Spirit which is God’s habitation on earth. The Temple of God is the Congregation of Believers. If or when we assign God to Heaven and the Bible as a religious duty, an unapproachable deity, we have created artificial limits and barriers to the relationship He is establishing. Yes, He is sacred, exalted, glorious beyond our comprehension, but through Yeshua He has spanned that divide and reached out to us. Will we respond with Spiritual senses communing with Him in our innermost being, and to our fellow disciples in the Congregation of Believers? Yeshua is knocking at the door of every heart – will you open yours to Him?

About Steve2525

Retired Journeyman
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