Human Nature

When will we all understand our Human nature is broken, lost, hopeless, and corrupted? Thousands of years have demonstrated it, wars, tyrants, dictators, murders, Communism, Nazism, crime, sexual immorality and perversion, and countless other failures, lies, wicked ideas, and evil testify to this fact. Still, there are secular humanist asserting they can fashion a human utopia, if they can just get control. They may get control, but their rule will be closer to hell than utopia. 

These people are like the Jewish Leaders who said to Jesus on the cross, “Let this Messiah, this king of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” (Mark 15:32) They had already seen undeniable miracles performed by Jesus in person. (John 9:13-33; Luke 6:7-11, 13:10-14; Mark 2:1-11, and more) If Jesus had come down from the cross, they would not have believed. Three days later, the guards witnessed angels with Jesus alive at the tomb, when they reported it to them they bribed the guards to fabricate a lie and spread it among the public. (Matt. 28:11-15) They were given every chance to believe, but refused.

Where then is Hope and what about the good things on earth? God is good and merciful; He has set mankind into a marvelous and amazing creation designed with divine wisdom, intricacy, intelligence, complexity and purpose. He established marriage, the family, genders of male and female, respect for parents and authority and other foundations promoting goodness. All the earth as not been explored by man as of today and many of  it’s simplest features have not been explained, for example, what makes a cloud form or earthquakes, volcanoes, or lightning. There have been kind people who did good things or invented helpful products, such as medicines, the printing press, math and scientific discoveries, but these were not done in isolation and many where accredited divine influence. Since day one A.D. Jesus has changed things in the Spiritual realm, therefore, no good things that happened since then can be said to have been free from God’s merciful compassionate influence.

Surrender and submission is required of every human to believe and accept the truth and reality of God’s existence. Moreover, God gives ample evidences of His love, kindness, generosity, supernatural nature and supreme authority. The best and most enduring example is the Bible. A simple reading with an open mind and heart has changed the life of countless multitudes during the last 2023 years. There is no accounting for all the good, mercy, help, and loving acts that have come into the world through and as a result of Yeshua Messiah, (Jesus’ Hebrew name). Yes, believers can and still do some bad things because of their fallen Human nature, so do secular Humanists. It is God we must look to for perfection and redemption. Yeshua is coming back to earth, even then some will refuse to believe.

About Steve2525

Retired Journeyman
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