Show Me 

“Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.” (Exodus 33:18) 

You have desired God to show you many things, perhaps His glory. Have you asked, “Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.” (Psalms 25:4) “See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalms 139:24) I believe most of us have been in a desperate place where we have called out to God and in His mercy He answered confronting our doubt, fear and weakness. In that moment you saw God’s loving kindness, as He responded to your cry. God is waiting for us to get desperate and hungry for Him and turn from our pursuits to Him. When will we reach out for perfection, no longer being satisfied with fleeting temporal ease and comfort? Moses expressed faith for more though He spoke with God as one man speaks with another. (Exod. 33:11) In Yeshua we have more than Moses! When the Congregation of Believers returns as one man to the King of Kings in faith and begins to seek His will and ways with all their mind, soul, heart and strength, He will answer with His enduring presence. (Heb. 13:14) Nothing in the world will matter, no turmoil, shaking or persecution will be of consequence to God’s Children who will have their faces fixed on their Messiah. 

This is not something we can do in our own strength. We love the Lord now and long for Him yearning for more, but in our imperfections. All around the world Believers are offering the sacrifice of praise, worshiping in Spirit and truth, praying alone in their closets and agreeing together in groups. This is life in the Spirit, where faith wells up into pleasing offerings to God. The end times Congregation will go through a cleansing purifying process to root out worldly encroachment in preparation for the return of the bridegroom and the Wedding feast. Two interrelated things will happen, hardship, discipline and pressure will come upon the world, (the ripening of wickedness brings evil times), and a spiritual awakening within the Body of Messiah will draw His people to Yeshua. Many will come into the kingdom of light and they will be as fervent and hungry for the Lord as those who have spent their lives following Him. All Believers will cease those things that separate us from each other. This will include physical behaviors that are repugnant to the Lord and spiritual barriers which the enemy constructed through decades of division. The Holy Spirit’s authority will be acknowledged; He will take His place in the lead of the Body of Messiah, just like a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night. The world will see all this unity and love and bite one another in envy and hatred of God and His Children.

About Steve2525

Retired Journeyman
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