Support, Confidence, Hope

“I believe the Spirit has inspired and used you to do more than any of us ever thought or imagined. I have witnessed the gifts of the Spirit working in you and marveled at His presence, grace and goodness. Somehow the Blood of Yeshua was able to make Holy, that which was mere dust and ego, such that His presence was pleased to dwell therein.”

I have seen God’s beauty in creation; the oceans waves washing upon a white sand beach; big sky from the top of snowy mountains; majestic forests of trees all kinds deciduous, evergreen, tropical; rivers flowing, falling over falls and trickling amidst boulders larger than houses. In contrasts with such beauty is the oppression of the enemy suggesting people hate me. However, God’s work is usually hidden from our physical senses and human reason, but it is marvelous in a mere glimpse or glimmer. What we need is faith to see the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things invisible to human sight. We need to behold God in Spirit, which is possible through indwelling Holy Spirit. 

God’s word is essential. Faith comes by hearing and that by the word of God. (Rom. 10:17) The Spirit’s voice speaks quietly, peacefully, usually and therefore can be overlooked, discounted, and misunderstood. Enough of pragmatism, slow done and believe what you have read in the Word and heard in your innermost being – God is with us. He is everything and the Prime mover, holding everything together on a subatomic level, connecting, associating, joining, recalling and revealing thoughts, time and action. We can relate to God as a person, friend, Father, and engage the conversation which He desires to have with us – “…l love you”.  

Each Believer has been transformed, re-birthed, changed into a new person, the old has passed away. As such we have been made holy in God’s sight. This is not of our own working, but through Yeshua Messiah, and we know this. Still, wrapped in flesh, subject to temptation, limited physically to five senses and still hampered by a fallen human nature it is hard to completely grasp and never forget what Yeshua has done when He touched us. We need this more consistently than food, more importantly than drink and more urgently than air, because without courage we can only sleep. 

About Steve2525

Retired Journeyman
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