Faith’s Consequence

Something made me think, “I need to sort things out, think some things over, get my bearings straight.” Of course, I immediately began to question if such an exercise is anything other than a waste of time, treading water, futility. I don’t think I can reason my way out of a wet paper bag. Yet, what I have done right was the result of inspired faith. I started listing some things that were right decisions and they were all the result of either faith or a sovereign act of God’s grace. For example, I had no plans to go to college, but when my mother suggested I apply, there was faith to do so. Later, I married well because there was faith. When I found a career path it was confirmed by faith. In between these important decisions were many less significant events that were initiated by faith. 

What I mean by “faith” is that I didn’t figure things out or plan or research and devise a course of action – I sensed what I was to do and committed to do it with the ability and strength I had been given by God. There were acts of God which are sovereign eternal realities. I will add that there were also occasions where I had faith, but waiting on God and His opportunity or opening doors was necessary. Faith is everything in decisions. My entire professional career was filled with faith. Faith gives assurance and confidence, it is knowing before hand, without seeing any evidence. When you have faith there may still be uneasiness over uncertainty, but the assurance of commitment is far greater.

I don’t think I have ever suggested that readers try anything like this, but I believe when you see faith active in your life it will encourage you. Think about decisions, events, projects, activities, positions, memberships, practically anything you were involved with that was right, good, productive, worthwhile or beneficial. Then ask whether and to what extent you did it by faith. Did you have assurance and confidence things would work out well – did they? Can you identify and distinguish the things you did by faith verses the things where faith was not a factor? Did you ever have faith about what you were to do, but waited on God to open a door or provide an opportunity?  Faith can be involved at any stage of an event, but it is best at the outset. (Gal. 3:7-9) 

About Steve2525

Retired Journeyman
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