Mercy’s Majesty

The small things we never planned, couldn’t or wouldn’t pursue amidst our ceaseless desires, God gives as a glimpse of His unconditional love awaiting us in His presence. Just as God has never ceased loving Israel, He stands ready to receive us, set us free from every failure, weakness, blemish, imperfection, and shame that weighs us down with chains of bondage. He is very patient not willing that any perish. It’s not our fear of Him or the doubt we have of His concern for us which creates the image of an unassailable wall between us and His abundant miraculous life, but our pride relying on self-effort. 

The Spirit is ready to lead, to lift and conform us into the image of Yeshua. The first step may be to wait upon Him, setting aside all plans, laying down our requests, visions, work and preparation. This first step is turning back towards His face, bowing low, taking upon us the posture of a servant. In waiting the mind is emptied, like a receding wave on the beach water will seek to refill the void – don’t let it. Wait on the Lord, as though this was His specific charge to you, “Wait until I give you direction.”

He will never leave us, so waiting for His touch, healing, restoration, calling, and charge is not being separated, in fact, it is being caught up into His embrace, calmed, put at ease and rest. There are things to do, later. When we wait upon Him it honors God, which may be one of the best things we could ever do. I was thinking about all the preferences, likes, habits, and customs I’ve honed over a lifetime; could these be hindrances, barriers or screens blinding me to fresh worship, new praises, steps to more freedom? In Yeshua there are no limits upon an abundant life. He will not refuse us a place at His feet. He will let us do exploits in His name. His ministry has not stopped on earth, but the Holy Spirit is building the Congregation of Believers into a holy, glorious temple for the presence of Our God almighty. The battle belongs to the Lord. All honor and glory are His. “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.” (1 Peter 5:10-11)

About Steve2525

Retired Journeyman
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